
  1. 介绍WordPress和Medium
  2. Medium vs. 哪一个更好
    1. 开始的过程
    2. Design
    3. 写作经历
    4. 统计和跟踪
    5. Pricing
    6. Security
    7. Support
  3. Conclusion


One of the most effective ways to tell more about your personal or business website is to start a blog.

They have proved that it is the most trustworthy data source for those who are searching for precise information on the web. 如果你还没有开通博客, we recommend you do it soon to let your audience know that the information you provide is worth trusting.

您可能想知道哪种平台更适合您未来的博客. 让你的选择更容易, we have compared two popular blogging tools like WordPress and Medium, 这样你就能做出合理的决定. 请注意,我们专注于自托管 WordPress.org 网站,而不是 WordPress.com. If you are interested in the difference between them, check out the 详细的文章 about it.

WordPress于2003年发布, and now it is a content management system (CMS) with more than 74 million users. About 27% of all websites around the world are based on WP platform. Let’s take a closer look at WordPress key points and disadvantages.

Key points

  • Content management which means that you can fully control your WP website including hosting questions, installation, templates, 文本内容和更多. 您是您的网站的实际所有者.
  • A variety of WordPress主题 and plugins represent operational flexibility and custom settings, so you have enough options for modifying the web page based on your requirements.
  • The administration panel is intuitively clear and will not confuse you.
Medium WordPress比较
  • An extensive community characterizes support and helps you find the answers to any of your questions.


  • 黑客经常试图破解WordPress, yet you may take special security measures to save the site from hacking.
  • WordPress是半社交的. 因此,它默认不支持社交分享. Nevertheless, you may come with plugins like BuddyPress to get social features package.

Medium是一个相当年轻的平台. Twitter ex-CEO Evan Williams launched it as a free online publishing platform in 2012. When using Medium, you will face a combination of blogging and social media along with easy operation.


  • 通过网络发布和宣传你的故事.
  • Check users you are following as well as their posts and content.

Let’s consider the key points and disadvantages of this blogging platform:

Key points

  • 仅适用于移动版本的系列. 它们与Facebook和Instagram上的故事类似.
  • 干净的用户界面.
  • 高生产率.


  • 有限的定制选项选择.
  • 对您的网站的有限控制.

Medium vs. 哪一个更好

Since we already know some basics of both platforms, we may continue to their comparison. WordPress and Medium are going to be reviewed under the following criteria: starting process, design, 写作经验, 统计和跟踪, pricing, security, and support. 那么,我们开始吧.


您必须执行以下操作来配置a WordPress站点:

  • 注册一个主机包并购买一个域名.
  • Set WP to a specific subscription plan with the help of script installer.
  • 添加一个主题和所需的插件到你的博客.
  • 用高质量的内容和媒体来充实你的博客.

Because Medium is not a self-hosted platform, this makes the starting process easier. 要开始使用Medium写博客,你需要做的就是:

  • 按下“开始”按钮并注册您的帐户. 你可以用你的Google或Facebook账号登录.
  • 输入您的姓名和电子邮件.
  • Go to your inbox, find the verification email, click on the link.
  • 开通博客.


提供广泛的免费和高级主题, WordPress gives you a possibility to build a website that would look yours solely. You may be sure that you use the top-notch templates because professional developers make all of them with limitless adjustability options. 除了创新的设计WP主题是SEO优化, 所以没有必要安装额外的SEO插件.

Using Medium, you have an opportunity to choose a grid or stream-based layout for your publication. 徽标,背景颜色和图像应自行添加. Even though drag-n-drop editor is straightforward and provides different modifying options, every story published on Medium will look the same due to limited design variants.


你将面对 WYSIWYG experience using both WordPress and Medium because they let you adjust your content with no hassle. 然而,与有限的Medium编辑选项相比, WordPress offers text editor along with visual editor and allows you to add a specific CSS for a particular sort of web content.


WordPress 与谷歌分析集成. You have access to demographics, time on site and lot of other information. The information that is inaccessible at Medium because the last one offers bounded Google Analytics integration. But still, Medium has a unique stats function that substantially encompasses all bases like views, 建议, 每日出席结果和更多. 对于那些喜欢监控自己的“阅读”的人来说,这是一件好事.e., the quantity of times the visitor has read a full article, Medium features ‘reads’ tracking.

Medium WordPress比较


WordPress 是免费下载,但网络托管将花费你一点. 大多数托管服务提供商的收费从每月3美元到8美元不等. WP还在其存储库中提供了许多免费的主题和插件, but if you aim to enhance your website user interface and UX constantly, you will not be able to do that without premium templates and add-ons.

另一方面, Medium is free, and what's more important you can get paid for publishing your content. 前段时间Medium打开了它的 合作伙伴计划 给所有作家. But there's a thing if you're living in the country where Stripe payment system is not functioning you won't be able to join partner program.



如前所述,WP是一个自托管平台. 您的网站安全在您的手中. To keep its credibility, WordPress quickly answers safety issues. The updates are unattended and they are embedded to many WP sites. Even so, we recommend selecting a security solution for your web page like Sucuri.

与WordPress相反,Medium是一个全托管平台. 作为用户,这对你来说意味着什么? 你可以确定这个软件, 安全的中型服务器将为您的内容提供服务, and your personal information will not spread everywhere thanks to standard security arrangements.


WordPress 有一个庞大的社区支持,可以通过 website. Except for it, you may find WP support on StackExchange, YouTube, SitePoint, and others.


Medium features ticket-based supporting option and comprehensive documentation. 在这个平台上运行你的博客, 你可以得到Medium团队的免费帮助.



If you like storytelling and want to share your thoughts with others and express yourself within an association of co-thinkers, 我们建议选择中号. 它很容易使用,而且完全免费. You will enjoy developing your writing skills on the Medium platform.

如果你正在运行一个商业网站, 你想通过博客建立一个品牌, choose WordPress because it offers numerous options for implementing your plans. 即使你要为此付出代价,结果也是值得的.


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  3. 网站安装服务 - to get your template up and running within just 6 hours without hassle. 没有一分钟是浪费的,工作正在进行.
  4. 一个会员 -下载无限数量的WordPress主题, plugins, PPT等产品在一个许可范围内. 因为越大越好.


Self-taught copywriter specialized in web design, marketing, and traveling. 毕业于德语和英语翻译专业. 沉迷于指南、清单和长时间阅读的博客文章. Open for new information and strives to explore more undisclosed subjects. 社交媒体账户: Fb, Twitter, LinkedIn.


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